Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Visual Language

What I did well: I made the colour and the drawing look realistic.

What I learnt: I learnt that castle rocks shades of grass isn't all the same the bottom of castle rock is dark green, the middile is a little lighter, and the top has been touched by the sun alot so some of the grass brown or yellow.

What I could do better next time: I could before the next shade mix it together a little so that it looks more realistic.


  1. I like the way you are talking about your learning, being very honest. This will help you be more in charge of your learning. Well done :) Mum

  2. Well Done Caitlin! your drawing looks beautiful maybe next time you could colour in the backround

    Alana :)

  3. that is amazing caitlin but maybe you should colour the backround in
